2024-05-16 21:19 CEST

Spring engine - Change Log

Spring engine - 85.0 (Released 2011-12-03) View Issues ]
- 0002773: [General] building multiple fighters in airlabs is much slower as in 0.82.7 (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002671: [General] way too long path chosen on TheRockFinal (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002883: [General] Gunships 'pop' up to their smoothmesh height. (zerver) - resolved.
- 0002846: [General] Develop branch dedicated servers - user cannot ready up (hoijui) - resolved.
- 0002851: [General] crash in NetCommands when specs cheating in via /team (zerver) - resolved.
- 0002814: [General] Units slow to their minimun allowed speed when turning (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002820: [General] Spring Freeze (zerver) - resolved.
- 0002815: [AI] Missing generated sources when building Cpp-AIWrapper (hoijui) - resolved.
- 0002837: [General] Airplanes don't `land` (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002833: [Unit Scripting] Some factories cannot build (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002819: [General] Minor Observations w/ Spring 84.0.1-457-g2ed2fed HEAD (MT-Sim) & BA 7.62 (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002829: [General] Dragon's Claw (pop-up arm turret) lightning is wrong color in BA 7.62 (zerver) - resolved.
- 0002258: [Lua] Lua rules crashing spring.exe (UnitPreDamaged) in lauxlib.cpp:636 (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002827: [Lua] canmanualfire tag broken in current develope branch (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002818: [General] Units avoid walking on buildings with passable yardmap (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002825: [General] Units significantly overshoot their destination (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002822: [General] Pathmap view broken (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002811: [General] Area Unload Behaving Incorrectly (zerver) - resolved.
- 0002801: [General] Stuck pathfinding example (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002750: [AI] (AAI) SIGFPE in AAIBuildTable.cpp:3925 (hoijui) - resolved.
- 0002789: [General] UnitSync not reporting release version (hoijui) - resolved.
- 0002760: [General] Ambiguous Pathmap Colour (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002810: [General] Gunships always act as if 'upright=true' (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002809: [General] Separate crater AOE and damage AOE (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002808: [General] C++ runtime error (zerver) - resolved.
- 0002804: [General] Mid Game Crash in ZK (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002779: [General] Demo file name reported by dedi server does not match reality (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002686: [Unit Scripting] CloakCost defaults to -1 and which becomes +1 energy income (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002148: [General] Cannon weapon types ignore avoidFeature=1 (Kloot) - resolved.
- 0002803: [General] Error: [safe_element] index 3 out of bounds! (size 3) (zerver) - resolved.

[30 issues]