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Wiki < Chili

Chili UI

Chili is Springs very own GUI framework. It's a flexible, class based framework which allows you to create great looking GUIs very quickly. See Screenshots.

Learning Chili

Before working with Chili, it is strongly recommended to be familiar with using Lua in Spring, in particular with writing simple widgets.

Including Chili

Documentation: Chili Component Hierarchy

The Chili framework is object orientated, and each different component is a class. The hierarchy of components, which is documented here, is as follows:

|_ Screen
|_ Control
 |_ Button
 |_ Checkbox
 |_ ColorBars
 |_ ComboBox
 |_ EditBox
 |_ Font
 |_ Label
 |_ LayoutPanel
   |_ ImageListView
   |_ Grid
   |_ StackPanel
   |_ TabPanel
 |_ Line
 |_ Image
 |_ MultiProgressBar
 |_ Panel
 |_ ProgressBar
 |_ Scale
 |_ ScrollPanel
 |_ TextBox
 |_ TrackBar
 |_ TreeView
  |_ TreeViewNode
 |_ Window

Viewing the diagram as a tree, each component inherits from its parent in the tree. In practice, this means each component has the properties/functionality of its own type, and also of all components found upwards from it in the tree. For example, a Grid has it's own properties, but also has those of a LayoutPanel, Control and Object.

Skinning Chili

Start with your desired skin.lua.

An example button skin will look like this:

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> skin.positive_button = {

 clone     = "window";
 TileImageBK = ":cl:tech_button_bright_small_bk.png",
 TileImageFG = ":cl:tech_button_bright_small_fg.png",
 tiles = {40, 40, 40, 40}, --// tile widths: left,top,right,bottom
 padding = {10, 10, 10, 10},
 backgroundColor = {0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.65},
 focusColor  = {0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.9},
 borderColor = {0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.15},
 DrawControl = DrawButton,

} </syntaxhighlight>

  • TileImageBK - This image will be the background of your control. Alpha values indicate transparency, and color values you will be multiplied with backgroundColor
  • TileImageFG - This image will be the foreground (drawn over background) of your control. Alpha values indicate transparency, and color values you will be multiplied with borderColor
  • tiles - This image will be the background of your control. Alpha values indicate transparency, and color values you will be multiplied with backgroundColor
  • padding - This image will be the background of your control. Alpha values indicate transparency, and color values you will be multiplied with backgroundColor
  • backgroundColor - This image will be the background of your control. Alpha values indicate transparency, and color values you will be multiplied with backgroundColor
  • focusColor - This image will be the background of your control. Alpha values indicate transparency, and color values you will be multiplied with backgroundColor
  • borderColor - This image will be the background of your control. Alpha values indicate transparency, and color values you will be multiplied with backgroundColor