Lua FeatureDefs

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Development < Lua Scripting < Lua FeatureDefs

The FeatureDefs[] table holds all information about the features used in a game.

Works the same way as Lua_UnitDefs except the tables are called FeatureDefs[] and FeatureDefNames[]


Note: Its entries are metatables, so you can't use the pairs() iterator on them, use this instead:

  for id,featureDef in pairs(FeatureDefs) do
    for name,param in featureDef:pairs() do


In key = value form, where FeatureDefs[featureDefID].key==value, with subtables at the end.

    autoreclaim = true,
    blocking = true,
    burnable = false,
    deathFeatureID = 2,
    destructable = true,
    drawType = 0,
    drawTypeString = "model",
    energy = 0,
    floating = false,
    geoThermal = false,
    height = 0,
    id = 1,
    mass = 4205.400390625,
    maxHealth = 16290,
    maxx = -10000,
    maxy = -10000,
    maxz = -10000,
    metal = 6441,
    midx = 0,
    midy = 0,
    midz = 0,
    minx = 10000,
    miny = 10000,
    minz = 10000,
    modelname = "objects3d/AAFUS_DEAD.s3o",
    name = "aafus_dead",
    noSelect = true,
    radius = 0,
    reclaimTime = 38646,
    reclaimable = true,
    resurrectable = -1,
    smokeTime = 300,
    tooltip = "Advanced Fusion Reactor Wreckage",
    upright = false,
    xsize = 10,
    zsize = 8,
    collisionVolume = {
        boundingRadius = 5.8736290375751e-026,
        defaultToFootPrint = false,
        defaultToPieceTree = false,
        defaultToSphere = false,
        offsetX = 0,
        offsetY = 1,
        offsetZ = 6.3954851782821e-026,
        scaleX = 6.1349811206651e-026,
        scaleY = 1.9340968033141e-038,
        scaleZ = 6.3955048998047e-026,
        type = "ellipsoid",
    customParams = {