Lua UnitRendering

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Development < Lua Scripting < Lua UnitRendering

Unit & Feature Rendering

New in version 101.0 These functions are now also duplicated for features i.e. Spring.FeatureRendering.X


 ( number unitID, int lodCount ) -> nil

Spring.UnitRendering.SetLODLength (`lod` is 1-indexed)

 ( number unitID, int lod, number lodLength ) -> nil

Spring.UnitRendering.SetLODDistance (same as SetLODLength(), but adjusted for 45deg FOV + 1024x768)

 (number unitID,  int lod, number lodDistance ) -> nil

Spring.UnitRendering.SetPieceList (displayList=nil reset to default)

 ( number unitID, int lod, int piece [, number displayList = nil ] ) -> nil

Spring.UnitRendering.GetMaterial (creates a material userdata)

 ( string MaterialType, table Material ) -> userdata Material


 ( number unitID, int lod, string MaterialType, userdata Material | table Material ) -> nil


 ( number unitID, string MaterialType, int lastLOD ) -> nil


 ( number unitID, int lod, string MaterialType, preDisplayList, postDisplayList ) -> nil

Spring.UnitRendering.SetUnitUniform (unfinished)

 ( number unitID, string MaterialType, int lod, arg1, arg2, ... ) -> nil


Spring.UnitRendering.Debug (prints some usefull debug informations)

 ( [ number unitID ] ) -> nil

Lua's DrawXYZ-Callin

Spring.UnitRendering.SetUnitLuaDraw (enables the LuaRules' DrawUnit callin)

 ( number unitID, boolean enabled ) -> nil

Spring.FeatureRendering.SetFeatureLuaDraw (enables the LuaRules' DrawFeature callin)

 ( number featureID, boolean enabled ) -> nil

Spring.UnitRendering.SetProjectileLuaDraw (enables the LuaRules' DrawProjectile callin)

 ( number projectileID, boolean enabled ) -> nil



Material UserData

none user accessible methods (yet)

Material Table

Prior to 102.0:

 material = {
   ["order"  = number ,]
   ["culling" = number face ,]
   ["shader" = lua_shader | string "3do" | string "s3o" ,]
   (95.0: alias standard_shader)
   ["deferred_shader" = { vertex = ..., ... } ,]
   (new in 95.0, alias deferred. Deferred fragment shaders must *ONLY* write to gl_FragData[i] where
     i = {0 = normals, 1 = diffuse, 2 = specular, 3 = emissive, 4 = misc})
   ["texunits" = {
       [ [0] = { ["tex" = see gl.Texture ,]
                 ["enable" = boolean true ] }, ]
       [ [3] = see gl.Texture, ]
       (upto [15] and supports holes in it)
     } ,]
   ["texunit0" = see gl.Texture ,]
   ["texunit7" = see gl.Texture ,]
   ["prelist"   = lua_displaylist ,]
   ["postlist"  = lua_displaylist ,]
   ["usecamera" = boolean ,]
   ["cameraloc" = number uniformLocation,]
   ["cameraposloc" = number uniformLocation,]
   ["camerainvloc"  = number uniformLocation,]
   ["sunposloc"     = number uniformLocation,] (new in 0.83)
   ["shadowloc"       = number uniformLocation,]
   ["shadowparamsloc" = number uniformLocation,]

Post 102.0:

Material tables are now expected to contain subtables defining the uniforms; instead of

  material = {shader = ..., cameraposloc = 123, texunits = ..., ...}


  material = {shader = ..., uniforms = {cameraposloc = 123, ...}, texunits = ..., ...}

For a material that has both types of shader, supply "standardshader", "deferredshader", "standarduniforms", and "deferreduniforms" as keys i.e:

  material = {standardshader = ..., standarduniforms = {...}, deferredshader = ..., deferredunifroms = { ... }, texunits = ..., ...}

New keys for these uniform subtables can be

    "viewmatrixloc"    // synonym for "cameraloc"
    "projmatrixloc"    // camera projection
    "viprmatrixloc"    // camera view-projection
    "viewmatrixinvloc" // synonym for "camerainvloc"
    "projmatrixinvloc" // camera inverse projection
    "viprmatrixinvloc" // camera inverse view-projection
    "shadowmatrixloc"  // synonym for "shadowloc"
    "cameradirloc"     // camera forward direction
    "sundirloc"        // synonym for "sunposloc"
    "rndvecloc"        // random 3-vector with length in [0, 1)
    "simframeloc"      // current simulation frame
    "visframeloc"      // current renderer frame