Lua WeaponDefs

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Development < Lua Scripting < Lua WeaponDefs

The WeaponDefs[] table holds all information about the weapons used in a game.

Works the same way as Lua_UnitDefs except the tables are called WeaponDefs[] and WeaponDefNames[]

Note: Its entries are metatables, so you can't use the pairs() iterator on them, use this instead:

  for id,weaponDef in pairs(WeaponDefs) do
    for name,param in weaponDef:pairs() do


If a unit named "tank" has a weapon named "gun", the resulting name will be "tank_gun" and you can get this weaponDefID like:

local gunID = WeaponDefNames["tank_gun"].id


For a more detailed overview of tag definitions look at Gamedev:WeaponDefs or look directly at the source at

In key = value format, where WeaponDefs[weaponDefID].key==value, with subtables at the end.

    accuracy = 0,
    avoidFeature = false,
    avoidFriendly = true,
    avoidNeutral = false,
    beamTTL = 0,
    beamburst = false,
    beamtime = 0.10000000149012,
    bouncerebound = 1,
    canAttackGround = true,
    cegTag = "",
    collisionSize = 0.050000000745058,
    coverageRange = 0,
    craterAreaOfEffect = 0,
    cylinderTargeting = 1,
    cylinderTargetting = 1,
    damageAreaOfEffect = 6,
    dance = 0,
    description = "J7Laser",
    duration = 0.050000000745058,
    dynDamageExp = 0,
    dynDamageInverted = false,
    dynDamageMin = 0,
    dynDamageRange = 0,
    edgeEffectiveness = 0.99000000953674,
    energyCost = 0,
    explosionSpeed = 3.233583688736,
    exteriorShield = false,
    fireStarter = 0.69999998807907,
    flightTime = 0,
    gravityAffected = false,
    groundbounce = false,
    groundslip = 1,
    heightBoostFactor = -1,
    heightMod = 1,
    highTrajectory = 2,
    id = 220,
    impactOnly = true,
    intensity = 0.89999997615814,
    interceptSolo = true,
    interceptedByShieldType = 2,
    interceptor = 0,
    isShield = false,
    largeBeamLaser = false,
    laserHardStop = false,
    leadBonus = 0,
    leadLimit = -1,
    manualFire = false,
    maxAngle = 0.95873802900314,
    metalCost = 0,
    minIntensity = 0,
    movingAccuracy = 0,
    myGravity = 0,
    name = "corcom_armcomlaser",
    noAutoTarget = false,
    noEnemyCollide = false,
    noExplode = false,
    noFeatureCollide = false,
    noFriendlyCollide = false,
    noGroundCollide = false,
    noNeutralCollide = false,
    noSelfDamage = true,
    numbounce = -1,
    onlyForward = false,
    paralyzer = false,
    predictBoost = 0,
    projectiles = 1,
    projectilespeed = 30.000001907349,
    proximityPriority = 1,
    range = 300,
    reload = 0.40000000596046,
    salvoDelay = 0.10000000149012,
    salvoSize = 1,
    selfExplode = false,
    shieldAlpha = 0.20000000298023,
    shieldBadColorB = 0.5,
    shieldBadColorG = 0.5,
    shieldBadColorR = 1,
    shieldEnergyUse = 0,
    shieldForce = 0,
    shieldGoodColorB = 1,
    shieldGoodColorG = 0.5,
    shieldGoodColorR = 0.5,
    shieldInterceptType = 0,
    shieldMaxSpeed = 0,
    shieldPower = 0,
    shieldPowerRegen = 0,
    shieldPowerRegenEnergy = 0,
    shieldRadius = 0,
    shieldRechargeDelay = 0,
    shieldRepulser = false,
    size = 2.1875,
    sizeGrowth = 0.5,
    smartShield = false,
    soundTrigger = true,
    sprayAngle = 0,
    startvelocity = 0.0099999997764826,
    stockpile = false,
    stockpileTime = 30,
    sweepFire = false,
    targetBorder = 0,
    targetMoveError = 0.050000000745058,
    targetable = 0,
    tdfId = 0,
    tracks = false,
    trajectoryHeight = 0,
    turnRate = 0,
    turret = true,
    type = "BeamLaser",
    uptime = 0,
    visibleShield = false,
    visibleShieldHitFrames = 0,
    visibleShieldRepulse = false,
    waterWeapon = false,
    waterbounce = false,
    weaponAcceleration = 0,
    wobble = 0,
    customParams = {},
    damages = {
        craterBoost = 0,
    fireSound = {
        [1] = {
            id = 36,
            name = "lasrfir1",
            volume = 6.1237244606018,
    hitSound = {
        [1] = {
            id = -1,
            name = "",
            volume = 6.1237244606018,
    visuals = {
        alphaDecay = 1,
        alwaysVisible = false,
        beamDecay = 1,
        beamWeapon = false,
        color2B = 1,
        color2G = 1,
        color2R = 1,
        colorB = 0,
        colorG = 0,
        colorR = 1,
        coreThickness = 0.10000000149012,
        laserFlareSize = 7,
        modelName = "",
        noGap = true,
        pulseSpeed = 1,
        scrollSpeed = 5,
        separation = 1,
        sizeDecay = 0,
        smokeTrail = false,
        stages = 5,
        thickness = 2,
        tileLength = 200,