Lua camState

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px, py and pz are camera position in world coords.

Free camera

rx and ry are camera rotation in radians about the X and Y axes respectively, where an rx of 0 is horizontal and an ry of 0 is facing south, positive values running anticlockwise. rz currently (91.0) does nothing.

dx, dy and dz have nothing to do with camera rotation.

The raw info

I wanted to use Spring.SetCameraState( table camState, number camTime) -> nil | boolean

The wiki said: camState has the same format as the output of Spring.GetCameraState().

So I ran Spring.Echo(Spring.GetCameraState())
All I got was:

So, I ran, for every kind of camera:
for index,value in pairs(Spring.GetCameraState()) do

This is what I got:

Switching to Overhead (TA) style camera
name : "ta"
mode : 1
px,py,pz : Position of the ground point in screen center (not camera position)
dx,dy,dz : Camera direction vector?
zscale: how tilted is the camera, from 10 (near horizontal) to 0.05 (near vertical). We have y/z = 1.0/zscale (with a -1 thrown in if flipped)
height : how much above the ground is the camera, cannot be negative -- '' it's absolute height of the camera, ie the camera positions y value, actually (so no difference if cam is above mountain or valley)~~~~''
flipped : -1 for when south is down, 1 for when north is down

px, 2000
py, 70
pz, 1800
flipped, -1
dy, 0
name, ta
zscale, 0.5
height, 500
mode, 1
dx, 0
dz, 0

Switching to Total War style camera
rz, 0
rx, -0.9727737903595
name, tw
ry, 3.1415927410126
px, 477.53298950195
py, 100
pz, 447.54751586914
mode, 2

Switching to Rotatable overhead camera
name : "rot"
mode : 3
px,py,pz : Position of the ground point in screen center (not camera position) -- '' actually it seems to be the camera position to me (I set the height with py, not so sure about the others...) ~~~~''
dx,dy,dz : Camera direction vector?
rx,ry,rz : Camera rotation?
oldHeight : how much above the ground is the camera, cannot be negative, cannot be changed (I guess it's just in for when switching to a view that requires it next)

px, 522.32415771484
py, 600
pz, 441.25302124023
rz, 0
dx, -4.9136563262664e-008
dy, -0.82505232095718
name, rot
ry, 3.1415927410126
rx, -0.9727737903595
mode, 3
dz, -0.56205677986145
oldHeight, 500

Switching to Free style camera
avx, 0
px, 522.32415771484
gravity, -500
pz, 873.39385986328
autoTilt, 2.6179938316345
dx, -0.011240424588323
dy, -0.82505232095718
dz, -0.5619443655014
py, 964.28167724609
gndOffset, 16
gndLock, -1
goForward, -1
mode, 4
tiltSpeed, 2.6179938316345
velTime, 1.5
slide, 0.5
avz, 0
rx, -0.9727737903595
invertAlt, -1
rz, 0
ry, 3.1615927219391
avy, 0
scrollSpeed, 100
name, free
fov, 45
vz, 0
avelTime, 1
vx, 0
vy, 0

Switching to Smooth style camera
px, 522.32415771484
py, 109.49719238281
pz, 873.39385986328
flipped, -1
dy, -0.89428168535233
name, sm
zscale, 0.5
height, 500
mode, 5
dx, 0
dz, -0.44714084267616

Switching to Orbit style camera
tx, 522.32415771484
ty, 241.19664001465
name, OrbitController
tz, 644.45776367188
px, 522.32415771484
py, 556.63806152344
pz, 873.39385986328
mode, 6

Switching to FPS style camera
px, 1233.4810791016
py, 554.39453125
pz, 873.39385986328
rz, 0
dx, -0.011240424588323
dy, -0.82505232095718
name, fps
ry, 3.1615927219391
rx, -0.9727737903595
mode, 0
dz, -0.5619443655014
oldHeight, 300

Switching to Overhead (TA) style camera
px, 1324.8835449219
py, 254.39453125
pz, 871.56591796875
flipped, -1
dy, -0.89428168535233
name, ta
zscale, 0.5
height, 713.52716064453
mode, 1
dx, 0
dz, -0.44714084267616

Now someone go comment that.

It appears that mod eis simply a number containing the same information as name, but while name is a string, mode is an integer between 0 and 6.

I guess px,py,pz could be the postion, while dx,dy,dz could be the direction?
px,py,pz is the position.
dx,dy,dz is the directional vector, this determinates where the camera points towards.
fov is the field of view.

These values are part of the inherited base class, thus apply to all camera controllers.
rx,ry,rz - are part of a derived class and thus can not be found in all cameras.
It denotes the rotation of the camera, found in some camera controllers- theroretically these cameras could tilt and tumble around the viewing direction. In practice, setting the direction - always overrides the rotation.

All the other values are also part of the derived classes. Found here:

But what is height? What is zscale? What is flipped? What is oldHeigh? What are rx,ry,rz? Why has orbit no dx,dy,dz but some tx,ty,tz? What about all the free style camera settings? If you know edit that page please!

From testing, I found out flipped invert north/south depending on whether it's negative or positive.

From testing, I found out zscale is how horizontal/vertical are some camera, 10 for almost horizontal TA overhead, 0.05 for almost vertical TA overhead.

Camtime is optional, and currently not used